A new beginning

17 March, 2023

Everything shines. While the trees are growing their first flowers, you find yourself filled with hope again. The beginning of Spring is often the time to alleviate your senses and seek for renewal. As your body and mind are warming up, the air suddenly feels lighter and the colors turn brighter.

Each jewel tells a story, and with each season, brings you a different energy.
While gold and diamonds will reflect the sun together, the nuances of tourmalines, labradorites and sapphires will reveal
a new spectrum of color and light. They are dancing with the sunlight and your sight slowly celebrates hues of blues, greens, purples and pinks.

After a long period spent nurturing your dreams and gathering your energy, now is your time to shine. Put on your dearest stone and your favorite sparkling companion. Feel all the energy that is emanating from them. Fill your heart with their colors and sparkles. 

As spring begins, let’s celebrate the power of Nature and the potential that It offers us.